Live Q&A:
Explore the Future of Metabolic Research 

with Nick Norwitz, PhD
On Tuesday, September 10th at 12pm PT / 3pm ET, join us live inside the CME-centered medical education platform, The Metabolic Initiative, and enjoy an intimate opportunity to engage with this emerging leader in metabolic health!

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Watch Dr. Norwitz Lecture "Cookies & Cholesterol Controversy: Testing the Lipid Energy Model & Provoking Scientific Discourse"
With a membership or 7-day free trial, you'll also be able to watch Dr. Norwitz's lecture titled "Cookies & Cholesterol Controversy: Testing the Lipid Energy Model & Provoking Scientific Discourse". 

Nick Norwitz, PhD

Metabolism Research Scientist
About dr. norwitz
Dr. Nicholas Norwitz, PhD completed his undergraduate studies at Dartmouth College, graduating Valedictorian and majoring in cell biology and biochemistry. Thereafter, he completed his PhD at the University of Oxford in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, his thesis focused on ketone metabolism and neurodegenerative diseases. He is currently a medical student at Harvard Medical School (MS4), with plans to pursue a residency in internal medicine or pediatrics and a career as a physician-scientist. His current research interests are focused on the metabolic effects of dietary macronutrient manipulation as relates to the carbohydrate insulin model, lipid energy model and the lean mass hyper-responder phenotype.
Who else will be there

Your Live Q&A Hosts

Metabolic Health Initiative Co-Founder, Victoria Field, and Associate Professor and Metabolic Therapy Research Scientist, Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, will be hosting this live session. Bring your burning questions and join us for an incredible 1-hour deep dive into the future of medicine!
Your first 7 days are free!


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Through evidence-based education, Metabolic Health Initiative (MHI) has a mission to revolutionize medicine by elevating the importance of nutrition & metabolism in treating disease, increasing healthspan, and improving human performance. MHI serves the scientific, medical, and lay public communities through live events and digital education.

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Frequently asked questions

How do I join this Live Q&A?

Simply pick your preferred plan, and you'll gain immediate access to this and future Q&As with world experts covering the latest science on metabolic health and therapy!

Is the platform updated with content regularly?

Yes! The Metabolic Initiative platform not only includes a robust library of conference presentations, in-depth interviews, member-only podcast episodes, and digital research downloads for further reading... but we update the site with new content on a regular basis. Plus, you'll also be able to enjoy a new Live Q&A with a thought leader in our field each month!

Can I earn Continuing Medical Education?

While this Live Q&A is not CME eligible, many of our videos and podcast episodes are!
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